Tuesday, 17 April 2012

the wishing portal... aka... the tip shop

We have a tip (dump, waste management facility etc) not too far from our house, it has a Tip Shop (stuff that is a little too precious for land fill) and we own a trailer...Umm
So, this creates the potential for greatness!,
and for collecting a whole heap of stuff we don't really need.
This particular tip shop is more the abandoned type where people throw their unwanted stuff into a designated area. This area is dusty and not under cover and it seems its our mission to save these unloved gems before the rain gets them.

The tip shop (so it seems) is rewarding our devotion by becoming a kind of wishing portal for us.

Obscure things we are desiring tend to just show up.

An example,just the other day we were wishing for  the following items -
  • A warm box for Dave to rise his sourdough bread in during winter
  • One of those layered structures for sprouting legumes
  • A record player

That is exactly what we found.

We found a beautiful wooden solar cooker that a friend informed us was for rising bread/slow cooking "raw" bread. I found a sprouting tower and then we eyed this beauty

It was sitting out there in the tip wilderness, we had no idea if it worked. 
The lovely price of $5 sealed the deal,we rushed home with it full of giddy quiet hope that it would actually work (we had previously bought a very old school pale green Hoover for $1 that didn't). 
We couldn't even bare to bring it inside in case it didn't. 
We parked the trailer in the garden and Dave got the extension cord, grabbed a Grace Jones album and we held our breath.
Those smooth warm analogue tones floated over our garden.
We danced.
Then we found a home for it in our lounge room.

It's possible Jimi Hendrix was playing at this point

Thank you tip shop wishing portal, you have been so kind.

just a little Hello to all those folk in Russia reading my blog, thanks for stopping by :)

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